Sunday, September 30, 2007

Schools Back In Session and so am I

It's been a while since I've sat down and written. In that time I have been in Alabama, (sweet home Alabama) where I did an inservice for a school district. The people I had the opportunity to meet with were certainly caring individuals. Many came up to me after my presentation and asked for clarification of what they might do to help the kids who are being bullied.

Most recently I just returned from Durango, Colorado. Talk about beautiful! I had the opportunity to speak to two middle schools, was a keynote speaker at the annual "Parents Make The Difference" conference and did a presentation open to the public. Again, my hostesses were extremely congenial and offered me the 10cent tour of their wonderful community.

So in the matter of just a couple of weeks I had gone from the deep south where Helen Keller made her home and you can find full sized rockets on display to near the four corners area rich in southwest tradition and motif.

The one uniting factor is that both areas experience bullying. Of course Colorado is noted for Columbine... need more be said?

New York is calling me later this school year and I look forward to returning there.

Unfortunately bullying continues to rear its ugly head. Thankfully there are enough concerned individuals, parents and teachers and administrators who care enough about our children that they invite someone like me in to try and make a difference.

My message is simple, Bullying Hurts! No one deserves to live in pain! Students have the ability/power to help end bullying. Make bullying not cool by not repeating the name calling, rumors, forwarding derogatory e-mails. Stepping in and rescuing a victim from the bullies. When bullying is no longer seen as being cool, it will begin to end.

That's all for now. Don't forget, visit my website, and take the bully survey. While you're there, take a look around, there is a lot of good information. Drop me an e-mail, let me know your thoughts.

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